An IDEA has Changed Many Lives
This was another scholarship distribution day was in Eklera. The third year and the children who have got the scholarship are quite grown up now and it was really amazing to see the shy and cool children talking very boldly and confidently.
I along with
Durga Bhaiyya very kindly offered us delicious Lunch as usual, and after the Lunch we reached to the Primary School. Children along with parents were assembled in the room. We listened to the children especially Girls who were quite shy before three years but now vocal and full of zeal. I asked them and told them that the new Right to Education Bill ahs been passed by the Parliament and now up to class VIII the Govt will provide free and compulsory Education to all the children despite of class creed and culture, so in view of this we won’t be able to help much in terms of Cash Amount. Girls and two three young adolescents said please continue as this is the only source from where we are getting help and we could complete our education, the percentage they got was reasonably good. Some of them are expecting results from MP HSSC Board and hoping to get more then 60% in final exams. We talked to parents and they were also in opinion of to continue the cash support although they did understand that to help any one for more then three years is almost like a liability and IDEA should not take this role.
We also explored to start the other co curricular activities and a Library in the village. All the IDEA Sponsored Children were ready to take the responsibility of running the Library, on the other part the villagers promised to give one room for the purpose. We said that we are working here for a cause and want to see the village educationally advanced.
Mr Rupesh is a young enthusiastic teacher from Tikamgarh is appointed as Regular teacher in the school, he is computer trained and showed an interest to teach Computer to children, provided he gets a Lap Top, may be old one. We said we will see to it and in the mean time he can begin with the systems provided in the school under Head Start Scheme.
The village was in mood to go for Match, so we also stopped and came back with so many questions like implementation of RIGHT to EDUCATION BILL, Quaity Assurance in Education, Enrollment and Retention and Girl Child Education as the villagers were asking a specific
Sandip Naik
On Behalf of IDEA Team.
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